Hi, I’m Lori Roop!
I am passionate about using herbs and healthy eating to create a strong vital force in each and every one of us. The Chinese call it chi and the Hindus call it prana, but a strong vital force is key to our vitality and our body’s superb and innate ability to heal itself.
Years ago, I was a stay-at-home mom with two rambunctious boys. I created most of our family's body products. Everything from the baby shampoo I've used on the boys since infancy to Quiescence Linen Spray, which we spray on EVERYTHING in our house that has any kind of "off" odor to nighttime monsters. What this means is that every single product I sell has been tested time and time again on my own family. If it doesn't work on them, I don't sell it to you!
But even before I was a mom creating herbal, all-natural product, it wasn’t always this way. After completing my Bachelors in Cultural Anthropology at Kansas State University in 1998, I attended a 3-year Certified Clinical Herbalist (CCH) program in Boulder, CO, at the Rocky Mountain Center for Botanical Studies from 2000-2003. I completed over 1300 hours, ranging from Herbal Materia Medica, local herb walks, aromatherapy under Mindy Green, Anatomy and Physiology, to a clinical internship program.
After finishing school, I proceeded to see clients for a while. I eventually transitioned to creating an herbal, all-natural body product business formerly called l.c. of acirema, but what is now Vital Roots Herbs! At that time, as a mom and living up in the mountains at 9200 ft, I felt I could balance my time better by creating beautiful herbal products that I could use on my own family. And I dearly loved making all-natural, herbal products!
But I have also dealt with my own unexplained chronic illness that doctors could only call adrenal fatigue, thyroid issues, and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) in the beginning, and within 5-6 years I finally had the diagnosis of chronic Lyme and CIRS (Chronic Inflammatory Response Illness) or better known as mold illness. After spending approximately 5-6 years ill and the worst two years being bedridden off and on, I am finally on the road to recovery and learned even more so than before that finding the necessary tools for health is an extremely key aspect. The body can heal itself, it just needs the tools to do so, which is a beautiful and miraculous part of us! I know firsthand how incredibly helpful herbs and real food have changed my life, but the real star is our own body and its innate wisdom. Truly, the human body can heal itself. Sometimes you just gotta find the right tools.
After everything I have been through, in 2014 I went back to school and finished the Certified Nutritionist program at the Colorado School of Clinical Herbalism. I feel a deep-seated calling to serve clients as they work through their own health issues. Since then, I have more than tripled my product line, I write articles for several different publications, I continue to see clients and help them toward recovery, teach classes locally and at different herbal conferences, and grow as many different herbs as I can on my own property to use in my product lines and for customers remedies. I am passionate and dedicated to learning more and more to help others on their journey toward vibrant health!
Peruse this website to learn more about my practice and herbal products. If you’d like to discuss your health, I offer a FREE 15-minute phone chat for you to learn more about working with me!
My work is to help people find the right tools so that their bodies can begin to heal themselves too.
Much love!
Lori Roop

“Lori Roop has helped me a great deal in not only pinpointing what was wrong but also finding effective ways of treating them. Through just a diet change alone that she suggested during our first appointment, I felt like I had more energy and more refreshing sleep after only a month! She definitely knows what she is doing and is my go-to-herbalist for all of my medical-related questions and concerns.”
-Josiah Boswell, IT Specialist