Your optimal health starts with finding the root cause.
Are you looking for some guidance for some annoying health issues that just won’t go away?
Are you tired of taking prescription drugs that don’t ever resolve the problem and only seem to suppress your symptoms?
Are you searching for a more natural approach from a practitioner?
The body can heal itself, it just needs the tools to do so.
This is the beautiful and miraculous part of us! I know firsthand how incredibly helpful herbs and real food have changed my life, but the real star is our own body and its innate wisdom.
Find the right health consultation for you
My Health Consultation services are meant to empower you to gain control over your own health, as well as your family’s.
The key to this is education. I don’t believe in quick fixes for short-term relief. I want to provide knowledge along with specialized suggestions that provide lasting, long-term health and transformation.
We are used to medicine being done to us, but with empowerment and knowledge, you can have the ability and confidence to live the vibrant and healthy life you’re meant to live.
Book a FREE 15-minute consultation to meet me and learn more about my services!
Common ailments that I am experienced in:
Anxiety and Irritability
Sleep issues
Hormonal issues
Digestive issues
Stress and depression
Low energy
Allergies and colds
Chronic Lyme (Post-Lyme Syndrome)
Mold illness/CIRS/Biotoxin Illness
Adrenal issues and/or thyroid issues
Skin issues, including eczema, acne, and others
ME/CFS, Chronic fatigue Syndrome
Metabolic syndrome such as pre-diabetes and insulin resistance and weight management
Elimination diets, menu planning, and knowledgeable in a plethora of diets that includes, but is not limited to, dairy-free, gluten-free, grain-free, Paleo, GAPS, AIP (Autoimmune Paleo)
Low Histamine and Anti-Inflammatory Diet
And more
What’s included in a health consultation program?
Making a change in your life and seeking help for any health questions is a big step!
I would be honored to join you on this journey.
I am available for consults around the world via telephone, facetime, and Skype.
Book a FREE 15 minute, no-obligation consultation to see if this is the right journey for you.
“Sometimes the ability to help people comes from having walked a mile in their shoes. This is exactly where Lori is. She has dealt with her own health struggles and in the midst of that has become one of the most educated people I know on herbs and mold illness. Her first-hand experience, coupled with her education and clinical experience, gives her a unique ability to help her clients on their own healing journeys.”
— Jessica Espinoza, Wellness Educator, Certified 21 Day Sugar Detox Coach,”e Source